How to Fizz a Walleye: A Complete Guide for Anglers

How To Fizz A Walleye:

Hey there, fellow anglers! If you’ve ever reeled in a walleye from the deep waters and noticed it looking a bit bloated or struggling to stay upright in the water, they more than likely require fizzing for a successful release. Don’t worry, though – I’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll dive into the world of “fizzing,” a technique that can make a world of difference for releasing fish you catch. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this article will walk you through everything you need to know about how to fizz a walleye and do your part for ensure your fish release successfully. Keep in mind that fizzing is last resort. Practicing good catch and release practices should always be a priority!

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Understanding Barotrauma: What’s the Big Deal?

First things first, its important to understand what barotrauma is and how it affects fish. In the water, pressure increases as depth increases. Simply put, barotrauma refers to the damage that this change of pressure causes to a fish through a quick change in pressure. If a walleye is experiencing the effects of barotrauma, you might notice their swim bladder expanded or bulging eyes.

Walleye use their air bladder as a mechanism that allows them to stay buoyant in the water column. Essentially, fish can expand their swim bladders to float and deflate their swim bladders to sink depending on the depth it is in. A walleye may have a lot of gas in its swim bladder to remain buoyant in 30 feet, but it will float if it’s much shallower. When you quickly reel in a walleye from deep water like this, it doesn’t give the fish enough time to expel the gas which is why you’ll notice that they float upside down when you try to release them. That’s where fizzing comes into play.

The Magic of Fizzing: Making a Difference

Alright, let’s get to the heart of the matter – fizzing. When you fizz a walleye, you’re essentially releasing the trapped gases from its swim bladder, letting it regain its balance and swim back down to where it belongs.

What You’ll Need

Before you become a fish-saving superhero, you’ll need a few tools in your belt. Don’t worry, it’s nothing too complicated:

  1. Hypodermic Needle (16-18 Gauge): This is the tool you use for releasing those trapped gases.
  2. Fish Gloves: To protect the slime barrier of the fish when handling it
  3. Ice: Ice can be helpful to add to your livewell to help rejuvenate walleye during the hot summer months

Step-by-Step Fizzing Guide

1. Check for Barotrauma Signs

First things first, you have to determine whether of not fizzing is necessary in the first place. Look for signs of barotrauma like bloating, bulging eyes, and fish struggling to stay upright. If you spot these, your walleye most likely needs fizzing.

2. Know Your Fizzing Spot

When fizzing walleye, aim an inch or two in front of the anal fin and slightly off center to one side.

3. Needle in, Release Weight On

Gently insert the hypodermic needle into the fish’s side, towards the front of the fish. There is no need to insert the needle deep here, just enough to puncture the swim bladder.

4. Let the Gas Out

This is the part where the magic happens. If you insert the needle at the correct location, you’ll notice air bubbles coming out from the needle. Wait until the air bubbles dissipate, and you are good to go. The fish should sit right-side up in the water and has a much better chance of surviving thanks to you!

Conservation and Ethical Fishing Practices

As responsible anglers, it’s crucial to prioritize conservation and practice ethical fishing

Catch and Release

Adhere to catch-and-release guidelines whenever possible to preserve the walleye population for future generations. Handle fish with care, use barbless hooks to minimize injury, and return them to the water as quickly and gently as possible. If you plan on keeping a few fish for a meal, release the larger fish to let them spawn.

Regulations and Limits

Stay informed about local fishing regulations and adhere to size and bag limits. These limits are in place to ensure sustainable fish populations and healthy ecosystems. Ignorance is no excuse, so take the time to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations in the areas you fish.

Leave No Trace

Respect fish and wildlife habitats by minimizing your impact and leaving the environment as pristine as you found it. Dispose of any trash properly and consider participating in organized shoreline cleanups. Respecting nature and its resources is crucial for future generations of anglers to enjoy.

And there you have it, folks – your complete guide on how to fizz a walleye like a pro. We’ve covered the science, the tools, and the step-by-step process that you need to know. So, the next time you’re out there on the water, you’ll be prepared to fizz a walleye or any fish for the matter if necessary. Remember that fizzing is like a last-resort kind of deal. So, before you whip out that needle, try other tricks like using barbless hooks and keeping fight times short.

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